For Retailers

Smarter operations and sustainable growth, powered by Customer Data Science


Perfect the science of shopping to gain competitive advantage

Build a Customer First strategy

Solve business problems and fuel results by layering Customer insights into every decision

Improve efficiency and revenue

Uplift sales, protect margins, make cost savings, and prevent mistakes with greater operational efficiency

Drive Customer loyalty

Create engagement, sustainable growth and new revenue streams through better use of Customer data


Who we help


We help retailers achieve sustainable growth and smarter operations with Customer First strategies and advanced Customer Data Science solutions. We ensure that every decision starts and ends with the Customer in mind – creating loyalty, ramping up efficiency, driving sales, and positioning you to succeed.


Whether you’re planning store flow, category alignment, or pricing and promotions, dunnhumby’s solutions boost your chance of success, helping you save time and prove the link between your efforts and business growth.


Unlocking the power of Customer data in retail has never been so important. Through our Data Science solutions, you can improve market share, maximise your marketing investment, enhance the Customer experience and reap results from every campaign you run.


Competition for Customers is fierce, and loyalty strategies and initiatives are a key differentiator. But loyalty teams are under pressure to prove value and justify their budgets. Data Science eases this burden, empowering you to design Customer First strategies, collaborate across the business, make smarter decisions and generate demonstrable ROI.


Whether you’re pioneering digital transformation, building plans for new stores, managing supply chains or ramping up e-commerce, technology teams must balance risk with innovation. Don’t let data become a compliance headache; dunnhumby’s solutions transform your strategies and position IT as an enabler of positive change.


Customer–led insight in the hands of store operations teams enable you to deliver improved Customer experiences everyday, whether through ensuring key products are in store and available or that overall store and shelf layouts are easy to shop.


Customer First

Becoming a truly Customer First organisation is a broad cultural change. Since your Customer data is your most precious resource, we ensure that data is processed with respect and give you the tools to recognise and respond to the individuality of every Customer. We also help you bring everybody on the Customer First journey. From CEOs to store leaders, contact agents to distribution centre staff, we give everyone a clear view of who your Customer is and how their job positively impacts Customer outcomes. This empowers every employee to take the initiative and execute on opportunities to improve the Customer experience.

Data Consulting

Large and small clients around the world know the value of data – and most consumer-facing businesses are already rich in this asset. Yet many lack the tools and the strategies to turn data into meaningful insight, or to use this insight to shape strategic decision- making. With Data Consulting from dunnhumby, retailers can overcome these hurdles. Using a unique mix of expert consultancy, data analysis techniques and advanced technologies, you can build and implement a strategy that drives real results across business strategy, data governance, data architecture, defining your customer data and creating the right team fit and ways of working.

Customer Engagement

Deliver sustainable revenue growth, long-term loyalty and Customer value. The accelerated adoption of digital channels and the impact of inflation have made it more challenging than ever to meet Customer expectations. However, by understanding behaviours and pain points and directing investment into personalised marketing and promotional strategies, retailers can protect margins and market share – while delivering exceptional Customer experiences. That’s why dunnhumby has developed both strategic consultancy and science-based propositions for ongoing activation.

Category Management

Improve category performance and Customer experiences with a unique combination of consultancy and best-in-class software and tools, our Category Management framework helps you use your data to deliver great Customer experiences. Turn the data you already own into insight, so you can focus on what matters most to Customers, make smarter category decisions, grow sales and protect margins.From running category reviews to planning actions, effective category management is a time-consuming process with huge importance for your business.

Price & Promotions

Understand and act upon drivers that influence Customers. As marketplace competition increases, downward price pressures mean retailers face unsustainably low margins. To succeed and avoid the race to the bottom, retailers must improve Customer price perception and promotional effectiveness, without reducing prices too far. dunnhumby analyses existing strategies and identifies the best tactics for success. So you can optimize pricing strategies to grow margins and profit and boost promotion performance, all while improving Customer price perception.